Sunday, April 18, 2010

a weekend of working on wolfie... back from getting painted and getting ready for our upcoming road trip...

no more rust :)

colors of the rainbow

a mess of wires...

replacing the front blower motor... a longer project than anticipated... but well worth it :)
all we have left to do is... replace the alternator, and put in the floor, panels and back seats... we can do it :)


walkinvisible said...

i love that there's a blog to follow now.... cause i'm wolfie's biggest fan.

i have a lock for you. it's a piece of shit but i'll pay for a new one if yours was wicked. xx

Anonymous said...

LOve the idea of wolfie blog

unwrapped said...

Hi Sara, wow, it's cool that there is a blog now to follow your adventures:)

gidgette and mirth said...

Thanks Jutta, Bruce and Erin... (I'll tell G-arth about the lock...)

Blue Ix said...

Soooo happy there's a Wolfie blog! Congrats! I'll be following along for sure! I'm so excited for your guys' upcoming road trip, it'll be great! Ziggy is getting impatient for escape, too!

gidgette and mirth said...

Thanks Brandi... I love your new blog... will be following along as well, hopefully Wolfie and Ziggy can meet up for a camping trip soon :)

tammytalking said...

OMG!!! Looks like a train wreck!!! ;-) Nice blog Gidgette! I had to sniff out diligentdog's comment about gidgette and mirth....LOL!